Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Riedlberger
ORCID: 0000-0003-4381-7830; GND: 132130297; LCCN: no2011000827; VIAF: 165456282; Mathematics Genealogy Project
Professor of Late Antique History and Culture, University of Bamberg
Associated Member of Laboratoire d'études sur les Monothéismes/Institut d'études augustiniennes (UMR 8584 of CNRS)
Erdős number: 5
1996: Paris X Nanterre: Maîtrise en histoire, Grade très bien (23.07.1996)
1997: LMU Munich: M. A. in Ancient History with Latin Philology and Classical Archeology, Grade 1.00, with distinction (21.07.1997)
2009: CAU Kiel: Dr. phil. in Latin Philology, summa cum laude (11.11.2009)
2012: LMU Munich: Dr. rer. nat. in History of Sciences, magna cum laude (6.12.2012)
2019: EKU Tübingen: Dr. iur. in Law, summa cum laude (7.6.2019)
Career history
2010-2011: Thyssen Fellow at the Chair of History of Sciences at LMU Munich and at The Warburg Institute, University of London
2011-2012: Minerva Fellow (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft) at the Department of History, Tel Aviv University
2014: Postdoctoral teaching and research assistant (“Akademischer Mitarbeiter”) at the Chair of Roman Law, Faculty of Law, Tübingen University
2015-2016: Postdoctoral researcher (“Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter”) at the Chair of Ancient History, University of Bamberg
2016: Visiting scholar at SFB 1095, TP C 03, Goethe University Frankfurt
2016-2021: Senior Research Fellow (PI ERC Starting Grant), University of Bamberg
from 2021: Professor of Late Antique History and Culture, University of Bamberg
from 2022: Acting Director of the Institute of History and European Ethnology, University of Bamberg
2010: Doctoral thesis award: SHUG Fakultätenpreis 2010 (the most prestigious doctoral award in the University of Kiel across all departments)
2015: ERC Starting Grant: € 1,497,250 research grant for a five-year project on the Acts of the Ecumenical Councils
2020: ERC Consolidator Grant: € 1,998,625 research grant for a five-year project on unabridged constitutions from Late Antiquity
2021: Premio 'Giuliano Crifò' 2020: Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana's award for the "best thesis in late antique Roman Law or History"
2022: Henriette Herz Scout for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2023: Appointment to the Selection Committee of the Humboldt Foundation as Fachvertreter (subject representative) for Ancient History